"Like the ocean, when you look at the eyes all you see is the Iris.
Only when you dive into the depths, you see the treasure of information —
the Treasure of Life!"

– Dr. Ludmila



The Holistic Medical Science

Iridology is a Whole-Holistic Medicine and Art form that diagnoses the reflex conditions in the iris corresponding to pathology and health in the body.

The Iris is a window to the human body. When we look into the iris, we look at the organs, tissues and the whole function of the body in symphony – an instrument of a million strings representing each player individually as well as the entire orchestra.

"Light is Health, Darkness is Disease.
The moment Health is restored, disease disappears "

– Dr. Ludmila

The Philosophy

True healing involves bringing light to the dark places in an individual's life. Iridology literally does bring light into the dark places of the iris.

Darkness in any lesion of the iris corresponds to pathology in specific areas in the body. With the right life choices, nutrition, exercise, natural treatments, white healing lines replace the darkness, indicating that healing is taking place in the tissues.

The Benefits

Overall health awareness

Understanding how the organs interact

Knowing which organs are under or over active

Becoming familiar with the body's overall chemistry

Knowing the conditions of the nervous, digestive, elimination, lymphatic and structural systems of the body



Inflammation Spotting.
Will show where inflammation is present

Reveals areas in the body where acidity has or can accumulate

Body Activity Levels. Will show if any part of your body is over active or under active

Problem Spotting. Will show where problems are occurring in your body

If you are suffering from any of the symptoms below, iridology assessment is a highly effective tool to help you determine the cause(s):





Skin eruption




Low energy




Colic, diarrhea

Fevers, cold, flu

Chronic fatigue

Hay fever

The Process


The screening takes about an hour.


NLS is a non-invasive and harmless diagnostic procedure that utilises state of the art computer and software. Patients are only required to wear headphones and relax while they are screened from head to toe.

Additional Health Investigation

Constitutional type of the body

Integrated relations between the organs

Effect and influence in integrated relations

Level of intoxication

Sign of Chronic and acute disease

Predisposition to disease

Way of easy healing and capacity of regeneration

Capacity for the body to heal itself

Book an appointment

+971 4 3487172 Sa-We: 9:00–18:00, Th: 9:00–16:00

Use message form to contact us and request a prepared callback

Villa No. 101, Street 17c

Al Wasl Road, Umm Suqeim 3

P.O. Box 53420, Dubai, UAE


Approved From : August 22, 2015 to August 16, 2016

T : +971 4 348 7172

F : +971 4 348 7173


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