Trust the process

We all have a desire

Many of us plan trips or vacations to discover the world around us. For years those were the journeys I lived for… until my body couldn’t handle it anymore. That is when I diverted my attention to a different type of journey. One, that took me deep into my own mind and body to discover all the missing links of the constant pain and discomfort. It was a journey that I always neglected, due to other priorities. But when I finally took the step towards true health, it gave me more than anything has given me before.

Holistic Healing is not a quick fix. It doesn’t just heal you within days or removes your symptoms in a couple of hours. Instead it encourages a journey towards a better life. It awakens a transformation from within that is unique to every individual. I realized that trusting myself was extremely difficult but trusting this process was even harder. In holding through I have understood that the more we trust ourselves and this process of healing, the easier it becomes and the more effective it is. Sometimes yes, it gets overwhelming, but when you know that what you receive is something you and your body have worked for, then you may even find yourself getting excited. Excited to observe the deep changes and realize how your life continuous to move forward for the better.

Allopathic medicine, painkillers, operations and endless medication will just control you, suppress your symptoms, take away your power and your ability to feel alive. Instead, Dr. Ludmila’s philosophy on Holistic Healing is based on restoring balance in the homeostasis of the body. She works on re-energizing the organs and ensuring it’s optimal function. But she also encourages us as patients to take an active role. I know if I hadn’t done that, I wouldn’t have come half as far. She pushes us to observe our body, notice our habits and discover what our own mind, body and soul needs. That is why in this process, not only do we improve everyday but we also learn to take control of our lives.

To be honest, the process took longer than I expected. I didn’t always understand what was going on which was extremely frustrating. But I trusted, kept going and today, I feel stronger than ever. Strong in the sense that I am learning to be in charge of my health, being sick is no longer controlling me. In the process of finding myself in Holistic Healing, I have learned to be myself. I have discovered my potential as a human.
I am writing this, because I want to share with you that trusting the process is worth it. Taking the time for this step on the pursuit of your health is possible with the Holistic Healing Medical Centre. If you are already getting Holistic treatments, trust that you are exactly where you need to be and if you are wondering whether this is the right thing for you… all I can say is that you are worth the pursuit of this journey.
