Invest in Health - Health Holistic Dubai


These days, our options in just about everything range from easy to easiest. If we can’t do it in five minutes, then it’s not a priority. A webpage not loading in an instant? Close the tab. Lunch? Must arrive inside twenty minutes or that’s one-star on their online app. Health? As long as we can still walk upright, then everything is still okay.

With this mindset, maintaining our health has become something we only consider when we start to feel real pain or discomfort. In between finalising your next monthly report, getting the kids ready for school and catching the latest Netflix series, there are simply too many things on the list that are more important than our health. Wait a second, doesn’t that sound illogical?

Just because we don’t feel any pain right now doesn’t mean everything is in proper order. Investing in our health should be one of the priorities that we should always stay on top of. And when we say investing in health, we mean revitalising our health rather than investing in medicines.

What’s the difference between healthcare and sick care?

The philosophy of Holistic Healing prioritises keeping your mind, body and spirit in balance, to build a stronger immunity and have a lower risk of getting sick. Instead of paying a fortune on curing lifestyle diseases, you may want to reconsider your way of living. We understand that it’s difficult to make lifestyle changes, particularly because of all the temptations there are around us. This includes how convenient medical care has become thanks to medical insurance policies. Through medical insurance, consultations, laboratory tests and multiple screenings are now much more accessible for almost everyone.

And is Holistic medicine even one of the benefits of medical insurance? You’d be surprised.


There is a big misconception in the UAE that medical insurance does not cover alternative medicine. While this may be true for a few basic plans, many health insurance policies do cover alternative medicine.

Back in 2016, an article revealed that there was a huge demand for including alternative medicine in medical insurance policies. Most people argued that insurance companies actually save themselves money by preventing sickness and disease, rather than simply treating them.

Natural or Holistic medicine is getting very popular with working professionals as it is more effective and the benefits are longer lasting. Unlike modern medicine, where the focus is on treating what is broken, Holistic medicine finds the root causes of your problems and recommends solutions that are sustainable, effective and have no side effects. With these added benefits, the popularity of Holistic medicine and the calls to include it in medical insurance coverage are increasing.

Compared to medical treatment, most insurance providers find that preventive care and Holistic medicine are more cost-effective in the long run. This is the reason why more and more insurance companies have included alternative medicine, acupuncture and other treatments in the scope of their policies.

To make sure that alternative medicine is covered under your insurance benefits, get in touch with your insurance company. They will advise which treatments are available for you when you wish to seek an alternative option.

Learn more about the benefits of Holistic medicine by reading our in-depth article about lifetime service vs damage control. How does Holistic medicine work? – please read our article about it.