Visceral Therapy is a treatment combining stomach massage with
acupressure, to restore the position of internal organs. This treatment can
correct the position of the colon, intestine, liver, gallbladder, pancreas,
duodenum and stomach after periods of compression and relocation caused
by gas, bloating and lack of movement.
The compression of reflexology points helps to stimulate the peristaltic flow
and activity of all the organs involved. This therapy can restore the function of
the digestive tract and regulates the flow of food and activity. It promotes the
release of congestion and compression by gas or by the waste of toxins,
which have stagnated for a long time due to improper function.
Prolonged dysfunction of the digestive system as constipation, bloating, gas,
acidity, stomach pain or indigestion, causes overstretch, dislocation and even
overlap of the stomach, intestine and colon. Long periods of laxative use can
also cause sluggishness and paralysis of intestinal muscles. In this case,
even when people start to eat healthier food, their digestion is still not
functioning properly. This results in malabsorption as well as a lack of energy
Slowly this creates stagnation of the blood flow, heaviness, water and toxin
retention in the lower part of the body. It may also cause lack of circulation,
clotting of the blood and varicose veins, dysfunction of the ovaries and the
prostate. This may lead to unhappiness and dissatisfaction at a functional
level because of all the unease inside the abdomen.
Colon hydrotherapy is the most effective way to release this stagnation,
restore function and eliminate toxins. Liver detox reinstates the flow of the
digestive system and eliminates the toxins in the liver, while visceral therapy
restores the flow and function of organ activities. Foot reflexology harmonises
and balances all corresponding reflexology points of the liver, stomach, colon
and nervous system. Oil enema helps to nourish and regenerate the lower
part of the colon and rectum, and to reduce stagnation in varicose veins.
Herbs in the medicated oil in oil enema support regeneration of the liver and
the body, as the rectum area has a high vascularization of arteries and veins.
This helps support faster absorption of medicines in the liver. This is why
when children have high fevers a suppository is used in the rectum. In
traditional medicine, suppositories are commonly used for pelvic diseases,
which include PCOS, lack of pregnancy, inflammation and other dysfunctions.
People report improved sleep and regeneration, in addition to improvements
in energy, vitality and happiness. Ninety per cent of our happiness hormone
Serotonin is developed in the colon and stomach. One hundred per cent of
the immune and lymphatic functions are regenerated in the colon intestine,
and one hundred per cent of absorption belongs to the correct function of
digestive system.
This means that the health and regeneration of all cells in the body depend on
a healthy digestive system. It doesn't matter whether the problem is in the
heart or the brain the cause lies in the dysfunction of the digestive system. In
traditional medicine, health and happiness stem from the abdomen and colon,
whereas death grows up from colon. Even modern science has now begun to
identify the gut as a second brain, and Holistic Medicine also calls the
digestive system and abdomen the source of life.
Health and happiness are restored by default when you start to care about the
correct elimination of toxins. When signals from your body are ignored, such
as discomfort, pain, acidity or bloating, this supports disease or even death.
The choice is yours, health and happiness or disease and death.