
Our bodies have the ability to heal from within

We live in a world where we search for quick, easy and convenient solutions. However, extensive research and science is proving that traditional medicine, specifically a holistic approach to healing, can be astoundingly effective in dramatically transforming a person’s health.

We must ask ourselves why chronic illnesses and mental health problems are a continuous epidemic. Modern medicine often overprescribes heavy medication that results in devastating side effects, as well as lack of the ability to deal with the root cause of the individual’s condition.

We, humans, are all made of one single cell, which develops into trillions of cells that constantly change and regenerate. We must appreciate the fact that our beings are the creators from the inside and that our bodies are able to regenerate naturally. It is through understanding this process, that we can teach our bodies to not only recreate health and harmony within, but to sustain this state for longevity and happiness through the process of a holistic approach.

We then no longer need vast amount of pills and other harmful stimulants; all we need to do is to support our health by natural ways, the same natural way our health was created.

Today’s modern medicine presents the public with endless amounts of pills and quick fixes, while simultaneously millions of dollars are spent on marketing these products. Therefore it is no surprise that this industry is able to attract patients suffering from different conditions. However the majority of doctors are prescribing medication, to simply support the suppression of symptoms, rather than dealing with the underlying cause and curing people wholly.

Taking endless amounts of medication, pills and/or supplements for various conditions are often not absorbed properly by our bodies and in many cases they counteract, resulting in dangerous side effects and internal imbalance within the human system.

The holistic approach supports the mind, body and soul to have health, harmony and happiness from within, which no prescribed pill could ever offer.

While mainstream medicine’s approach towards health and happiness is to simply suppress the body, holistic treatments support the system to find its natural state of being, balance and restore health from within.

Our health is the harmony of activity within our body. Happiness is harmony within our emotions, and therefore health is the foundation for any human’s happiness.

A simple example is that of a diet, which nowadays is used as a trend, like fashion; it comes and it goes, it is not sustained! But a style remains a style, a definition of person’s harmony with oneself; similarly, a lifestyle that supports health and happiness throughout is a holistic lifestyle.
This journey towards health, is a deep transformation from within, that when experienced, creates inner happiness, contentment and most of all a feeling of liberation. It allows the individual to take control of his/her life.

From Dr. Ludmila Vassilieva
Founder and Medical Director

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Two Way Communication

Most of us have been taught in school that the heart is constantly responding to “ordersa sent by the brain in the form of neural signals. However, it is not as commonly known that the heart actually sends more signals to the brain than the brain sends to the heart! Moreover, these heart signals have a significant effect on brain function—influencing emotional processing as well as higher cognitive faculties such as attention, perception, memory, and problem-solving. In other words, not only does the heart respond to the brain, but the brain continuously responds to the heart.

Different patterns of heart activity (which accompany different emotional states) have distinct effects on cognitive and emotional function. During stress and negative emotions, when the heart rhythm pattern is erratic and disordered, the corresponding pattern of neural signals traveling from the heart to the brain inhibits higher cognitive functions. This limits our ability to think clearly, remember, learn, reason, and make effective decisions. (This helps explain why we may often act impulsively and unwisely when we’re under stress.) The heart’s input to the brain during stressful or negative emotions also has a profound effect on the brain’s emotional processes—actually serving to reinforce the emotional experience of stress.

In contrast, the more ordered and stable pattern of the heart’s input to the brain during positive emotional states has the opposite effect—it facilitates cognitive function and reinforces positive feelings and emotional stability. This means that learning to generate increased heart rhythm coherence, by sustaining positive emotions, not only benefits the entire body, but also profoundly affects how we perceive, think, feel, and perform.

Your Heart’s Changing Rhythm

The heart at rest was once thought to operate much like a metronome, faithfully beating out a regular, steady rhythm. Scientists and physicians now know, however, that this is far from the case. Rather than being monotonously regular, the rhythm of a healthy heart—even under resting conditions—is actually surprisingly irregular, with the time interval between consecutive heartbeats constantly changing. This naturally occurring beat-to-beat variation in heart rate is called heart rate variability (HRV).

Heart Rhythm Patterns and Emotions

Many factors affect the activity of the ANS, and therefore influence HRV. These include our breathing patterns, physical exercise, and even our thoughts. Affect our heart’s changing rhythm is our feelings and emotions. When our varying heart rate is plotted over time, the overall shape of the waveform produced is called the heart rhythm pattern. The emotions we experience directly affect our heart rhythm pattern—and this, in turn, tells us much about how our body is functioning.

In general, emotional stress—including emotions such as anger, frustration, and anxiety—gives rise to heart rhythm patterns that appear irregular and erratic: the HRV waveform looks like a series of uneven, jagged peaks. Scientists call this an incoherent heart rhythm pattern. Physiologically, this pattern indicates that the signals produced by the two branches of the ANS are out of sync with each other. This can be likened to driving a car with one foot on the gas pedal (the sympathetic nervous system) and the other on the brake (the parasympathetic nervous system) at the same time—this creates a jerky ride, burns more gas, and isn’t great for your car, either! Likewise, the incoherent patterns of physiological activity associated with stressful emotions can cause our body to operate inefficiently, deplete our energy, and produce extra wear and tear on our whole system. This is especially true if stress and negative emotions are prolonged or experienced often.

In contrast, positive emotions send a very different signal throughout our body. When we experience uplifting emotions such as appreciation, joy, care, and love; our heart rhythm pattern becomes highly ordered, looking like a smooth, harmonious wave (an example is shown in the figure below). This is called a coherent heart rhythm pattern. When we are generating a coherent heart rhythm, the activity in the two branches of the ANS is synchronized and the body’s systems operate with increased efficiency and harmony. It’s no wonder that positive emotions feel so good—they actually help our body’s systems synchronize and work better.

 The Intelligent Heart

Many of the changes in bodily function that occur during the coherence state revolve around changes in the heart’s pattern of activity. While the heart is certainly a remarkable pump, interestingly, it is only relatively recently in the course of human history—around the past three centuries or so—that the heart’s function has been defined (by Western scientific thought) as only that of pumping blood. Historically, in almost every culture of the world, the heart was ascribed a far more multifaceted role in the human system, being regarded as a source of wisdom, spiritual insight, thought, and emotion. Intriguingly, scientific research over the past several decades has begun to provide evidence that many of these long-surviving associations may well be more than simply metaphorical. These developments have led science to once again to revise and expand its understanding of the heart and the role of this amazing organ.

In the new field of neurocardiology, for example, scientists have discovered that the heart possesses its own intrinsic nervous system—a network of nerves so functionally sophisticated as to earn the description of a “heart brain.a Containing over 40,000 neurons, this “little braina gives the heart the ability to independently sense, process information, make decisions, and even to demonstrate a type of learning and memory. In essence, it appears that the heart is truly an intelligent system. Research has also revealed that the heart is a hormonal gland, manufacturing and secreting numerous hormones and neurotransmitters that profoundly affect brain and body function. Among the hormones the heart produces is oxytocin—well known as the “lovea or “bonding hormone.a Science has only begun to understand the effects of the electromagnetic fields produced by the heart, but there is evidence that the information contained in the heart’s powerful field may play a vital synchronizing role in the human body—and that it may affect others around us as well.

Research has also shown that the heart is a key component of the emotional system. Scientists now understand that the heart not only responds to emotion, but that the signals generated by its rhythmic activity actually play a major part in determining the quality of our emotional experience from moment to moment. As described next, these heart signals also profoundly impact perception and cognitive function by virtue of the heart’s extensive communication network with the brain. The heart appears to play a key role in intuition. Although there is much yet to be understood, it appears that the age-old associations of the heart with thought, feeling, and insight may indeed have a basis in science.

Оn materials HeartMath Institute

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Hidden in the walls of our digestive system is something extraordinary. Scientists have known about it for a while, but new technology is taking the research to the cutting edge. What is being discovered there will revolutionise the way we think about mental and physical health.

What happens in our head has a lot to do with what’s happening further south, in what scientists affectionately call ‘the brain in our gut’. It has a strong connection to the brain in our head and together, they are key players in mood, and mental health. The brain in our gut, or the second brain as it is also called, is made up of more 200-600 million neurons, arranged in the intricately folded tissue that lines the gastrointestinal tract. With firepower like that, it’s not surprising that the gut does so much more than deal with food and the messier parts of being human.

It plays a critical role in mental and emotional functioning by sending information to the brain and directly influencing things like feelings of stress, anxiety and sadness, as well as memory, decision-making and learning. The brain in our gut is not capable of thought as we know it, but it communicates back and forth with our main brain, playing a critical role in our mental and emotional well-being.

Unhappy mind. Unhappy belly. Which comes first?

It’s no secret that anxiety, stress and depression often bring unhappy bellies with them, by way of irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, diarrhea, bloating and pain. For decades, doctors thought that stress, anxiety and depression were the cause, but now it seems that it’s actually the other way around. Irritation in the gastrointestinal system seems to send signals to the brain that trigger mood changes. We know that probiotics seem to alleviate the symptoms of anxiety and depression and this might be why.

The gut is not only important for physical health, it’s also critical for mental health. What’s fascinating is the direction of influence. The longest nerve exiting the brain is called the vagus (actually they are one pair of 12 pairs of nerves that run from the brain). It runs from the brainstem to the belly and touches the heart and most major organs along the way. Here’s the fascinating part. About 90% of the fibres in the vagus, carry information from the internal organs in the chest (such as the heart) and the abdomen to the brain, not the other way around.

Our language holds evidence of this – we were talking about it well before we knew it. If you’ve ever been directed by ‘gut instinct’, ‘gone with your gut’ to make a decision, or ‘listened to your heart’, you’re likely getting signals from this second brain in your belly. Messages also travel the other way, from the brain to the heart and the gut, also via the vagus nerve but without a doubt, the main direction of information flow is from the gut to the brain.

The Role of Gut Bacteria.

As well as neurons, there is another major player in the gut-brain connection – the 100 trillion bacteria that set up home inside your gut. According to professor of physiology, psychiatry and behavioral sciences at UCLA, Emeran Mayer, gut bacteria contains phenomenal wisdom that gets sent to the brain. They affect our behaviour every minute of every day from the day we are born, and possibly before.

A Fascinating Study: From Extroversion to Introversion via the Gut

Mayer’s research has shown how the specific combinations of bacteria in the gut might influence the wiring of the brain, and in turn affect such things as temperament, mood and learning. Other researchers have also explored a possible connection between gut bacteria and behaviour, and they’ve made some remarkable discoveries.

In one study, when the gut bacteria of timid mice was transferred into the gut of extroverted mice those extroverted mice became more anxious. It also worked the other way. When the timid mice received the gut bacteria of the bold mice, the timid mice because more bold and extroverted. Aggressive mice calmed down when scientists adjusted the their gut bacteria by giving them probiotics or antibiotics.

Another Study: The Connection Between Gut Bacteria and Temperament

Research has found correlations between temperament and the presence of specific intestinal bacteria in toddlers, particularly boys. The connection was independent of history of breastfeeding, diet and the method of childbirth. Here’s what they found:

The children with the most genetically diverse types of gut bacteria were more positive, curious, sociable and impulsive. In boys, extroversion was associated with an abundance of particular types of bacteria (Rikenellaceae and Ruminococcaceae families and Dialister and Parabacteroides genera).

In girls, self-restraint, cuddliness and focussed attention were associated with a lower diversity of gut bacteria. Girls with an abundance of a particular family of bacteria (Rikenellaceae) seemed to be more fearful than girls who had a more balanced diversity of microbes.

This research is still in its early days, so we still don’t know what a healthy tummy would look like in terms of the combination of gut bacteria, or what factors would influence this. It is possible that the perfect balance of microbiome will vary for all of us. For this reason, the researchers caution against trying to change a child’s gut microbiome just yet.

The Gut and Depression.

Depression is widely attributed to a drop in serotonin, a neurotransmitter that is responsible for mood. What’s extraordinary is that only 5% of the body’s serotonin is stored in the brain. The other 95% of the body’s serotonin is stored in the gut. It’s not surprising then, that the most commonly used antidepressants that work on changing serotonin levels often come with a side of gastrointestinal issues. It’s also not surprising that the gut might play more of a role in depression than we yet realise. Research continues to look down this track for answers.

The Gut and Anxiety.

Researchers have found that young adults who eat more fermented foods (which contain probiotics) have fewer symptoms of social anxiety. As explained by Psychology Professor Matthew Milimire, ‘It is likely that the probiotics in the fermented foods are favourably changing the environment in the gut, and changes in the gut in turn influence social anxiety … the microorganisms in your gut can influence your mind.’

Food and the Comfort Factor.

The need for comfort rarely sees us diving for the celery. Pity. Instead, ‘comfort food’ tends to be high fat, high energy food. The relationship between food and mood isn’t all in our heads. Yes comfort food tastes delicious, smells delicious and might remind us of times we felt happy and secure, but there’s so much more to it than that, as a team of  Belgian researchers have shown.

The researchers delivered nutrients to the stomachs of participants via a nasogastric tube, with the intention of taking away the smells, tastes and memories that are typically associated with comfort food. The participants were given either ordinary saline solution or an infusion of fatty acids.  Without knowing what they were receiving through the tube, those who received the fatty acids reported half the levels of sadness and hunger compared to those who received the saline. This also showed up in brain scans. Very quickly after fatty acids hit the stomach, scans showed greater activity in the part of the brain that moderates emotions.

Stress and Food

Early research found that stressed-out mice would opt for a higher-fat food (peanut butter) over regular chow. Not surprisingly, they put on more weight than their less stressed friends. In times of stress, the gut amps up the production of ghrelin, a hormone that signals hunger to the brain. Research in humans has found similar results. In a recent study, couples were found to have significantly higher amounts of the appetite-triggering hormone following an argument. The researchers stop short of suggesting that unhealthy relationships cause poor food choices, but they acknowledge that the correlation is a strong one. There seems to be little doubt that one of the ways stress influences behaviour is via the gut, specifically on the production of ghrelin, which sends messages to the brain around appetite and food choices.

Could gut bacteria be behind this?

Mayer points out that the last 50 years has seen a dramatic rise in autism, multiple sclerosis, Parkinsons and obesity. All of these have altered gut bacteria and brain-gut interactions. At the same time, throughout the last fifty years, we have dramatically changed the way our food is produced and processed, and the way we use antibiotics. Has the way we’re doing things lead to the dramatic increases? At this stage, it’s only speculation, but it’s an area of research that is gaining traction.

Where to now?

Mental health is not all in our head. Neither is mental illness. Finally, science is giving us real proof of this. There is little doubt that mental and emotional health is influenced by the state of our gut. The research is exciting and is promising to revolutionise treatments for a range of conditions and the way we take care of our mental health.

The research is constantly evolving, but what we know for sure is the importance of  being attentive to the state of the gut and doing what we can to keep it healthy. It holds our second brain, and quite possibly, one of the vital keys to our mental and emotional well-being.

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“Colon is the root of our Life Tree! 90% of diseases are ‘growing up’ from Colon. Clean the root regularly and your life will be free from any disease!a – Dr. Ludmila

There is an old saying that "death begins in the colon." This is an oversimplification to be sure but more accurate than not. In fact, the road to health begins with intestinal cleansing and detoxification -- no matter what the disease or problem.

Healthy Intestines

Unfortunately, most people confine their understanding of intestinal cleansing to its effect on fecal matter. And even though it is true that cleansing programs do draw old fecal matter out of the colon, limiting the discussion to fecal matter misses the big picture and obscures the differences between colonics and colon detox programs.

Understand, the intestinal tract is essentially a continuous tube from the mouth to the anus, and each part of the tube has a specific function to perform. Among these are:

  • Digestion -- transferring the nutritional value of that food into the body.
  • Processing the waste from that food and eliminating it from the body.
  • Serving as a drainpipe for waste produced as a result of metabolic functions within the body itself.
  • Serving as a drain for toxic substances absorbed through our lungs and skin, etc.
  • Functioning as a first line of defense in the body's immune system by serving as a home to beneficial bacteria that identify and eliminate viruses and unhealthy bacteria ingested with our food.

What can go wrong if the system is backed-up?

Physically, the colon is simply not designed to store large amounts of old fecal matter. Stores of old fecal matter are not only breeding grounds for harmful bacteria and dangerous parasites, but the extra garbage causes the colon to distend and expand. This causes the walls of the colon to thin out (like blowing up a balloon more and more). As the walls extend out, they press on and compress other organs in the abdominal cavity.

Consider that a sluggish bowel can retain pounds of old toxic and poisonous fecal matter (10-20 pounds is not unusual, and up to 65 pounds has actually been reported). It should be noted that doctors rarely see this accumulated matter during colonoscopies because patients are given purgatives to clean out their intestinal tracts before the colonoscopies, thus removing the evidence -- but they do see the effects, the herniation of the colon aka diverticula.

In fact, a clean colon is essential in our detox pipeline. The liver is the main detoxifying organ of the body; it works by filtering out and/or neutralizing dangerous drug residues and poisons from the blood and then passing them out of the body through the colon via the bile duct. But if the colon is plugged, it's like flushing a toilet clogged with toilet paper; everything backs up. The net result is sickness and disease. In fact, you can't even begin to cleanse and repair other body systems until you clean out the colon so that the toxic material will have a clean pathway out of the body.

Again, the net result of a backed-up system is sickness and disease including:

  • Constipation and the attendant symptoms of self-toxification.
  • Diverticular disease (herniations of the colon).
  • Hemorroids.
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
  • Ulcerative Colitis.
  • Crohn's Disease.
  • Colon/Rectal Cancer.
  • Other Related Diseases including: diabetes, Gall Stones, Kidney Stones, Gout, Hypertension, Varicose Veins, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriasis, and Obesity.
  • Other cleansing treatments (i.e. liver cleanse) are not as effective if the colon isn't clean.

How can I tell if the system is backed up enough to require a treatment?

A normal bowel movement is soft and unformed. It should break apart when it hits the water -- or at least when flushed. This is not to be confused with diarrhea, which is characterized by water.

There has been a great misconception among the public and most medical professionals about how often a normal healthy person should move their bowels. For years, doctors have thought that anywhere between one bowel movement a day and one a week was normal. What we have learned is that it is normal, and necessary, to have one bowel movement a day for each major meal (as opposed to a snack) you ate the day before. If you eat three major meals, you should have three bowel movements the next day. If you don't, you're not alone. In fact:

  • In the United States, the average frequency of stool passage is just over 3 bowel movements per week.
  • Individuals with colonic inertia (a condition of the colon when muscles do not work properly, causing constipation) often do not pass a stool for 7-10 days at a time.

The key issue, of course, (aside from organic disease) is lack of fiber in your diet -- the more fiber, the faster the transit time of waste through the intestinal tract. Even with all the attention fiber gets in relation to healthy evacuation.

If your diet consists of a lot of slow transit time food, then you are essentially clogging your pipes. Once nutrients are absorbed from food, there is no reason to keep the waste in your body. In fact, the longer food stays in your intestines, the more it rots, causing long-term disruptions and toxicity.


Keep your Colon clean and maintain a good function of your digestive system to enjoy Health & Vitality.

Visit our center for a special procedure  ColonhydrotherapyDubai.

Or book a consultation with our Specialist Gastroenterologist to restore function of your digestive system.

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Autism is a condition that affects how a person communicates with, and relates to, other people. It also affects how they make sense of the world around them. Individuals on the autism spectrum vary enormously from each other but they all share the two 'core' features of autism:

  • Persistent difficulties with social communication and social interaction. For example, they may find it hard to begin or carry on a conversation, they may not understand social rules such as how far to stand from somebody else, or they may find it difficult to make friends.
  • Restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, or activities. For example, they may develop an overwhelming interest in something, they may follow inflexible routines or rituals, they may make repetitive body movements, or they may be hypersensitive to certain sounds.

However many people on the autism spectrum also have significant strengths. These may include a good eye for detail, a high level of accuracy and reliability, an excellent memory for facts and figures, and the ability to thrive in a structured, well-organized work environment. Some also have considerable creative talent. Because of this, some autistic individuals do not consider autism to be a disability but a neurological difference.

Individuals on the autism spectrum often have other conditions, such as sensory sensitivity, epilepsy and gastrointestinal problems. They may also have mental health problems such as anxiety and depression. Some, but not all, will behave in difficult and challenging ways.

Because of these problems, autistic people often struggle to make friends, do well at school, or find appropriate jobs. However, with the right help tailored to the needs of the individual person, some autistic people can lead relatively independent lives. Others will continue to need support and understanding throughout their lives.

We believe wholeheartedly in the value of people on the autism spectrum and the contribution they can make to the community. We also appreciate the real difficulties they face and their need for the right support. We seek to encourage and evaluate those interventions which will alleviate distress and promote independence leading to more fulfilling lives.

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Did you know that the hormone for Happiness is Serotonin?

Maybe you knew that, but you may not have known that this hormone is produced by the cells of your colon and is connected to the amount of good bacteria that is available in your intestines.

90% of this hormone's reserve of happiness is developed in the colon and is reliant on the state of the micro-flora.

How can good bacteria influence our happiness?

The Happiness hormone; Serotonin is produced by 3 types of cells:

  • Immune
  • Neural (neurons) and
  • Enteroendocrine

It is the Enteroendocrine that produces most of the serotonin that you need in your body. Moreover, the available good bacteria are able to synthesize serotonin.

Maintaining the health of your colon and intestines supports the production of the enteroendocrine cells.

Serotonin is then synthesized in the human body from the amino acid tryptophan with the help of certain enzymes!

Enterdocrine cells produce enough serotonin only when there is no dysbiosis or dysbacteriosis (a term used for microbial imbalance inside the body).

For Good bacteria to survive it needs an environment that doesn’t support the pathological bacteria which lives on toxins and stagnation.

Therefore, the path to happiness lies through a healthy intestine! Natural recovery of the intestinal micro-flora is possible through the work of living bacteria, which requires a clean environment to survive.

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Our digestive system plays an essential role in our immune system and overall health & wellbeing of our body. Often times our digestive system is the root cause to chronic illnesses, fibromyalgia or other neurodegenerative diseases. Digestive issues can be treated completely reversed and allow for a complete elimination of symptoms that impact your overall wellbeing. Holistic Healing Medical Centre offers a vast variety of treatment options that address the underlying issues of the digestive system - including the stomach, intestines, liver and gallbladder.  Our Holistic approach helps you to prevent these countless gastroenterological diseases and the symptoms that come with it as well as support you to avoid comprehensive surgical and medicinal remedies that bring forth various side effects.

What is Gastroenterology?

Gastroenterology refers to the branch of medicine that deals with the digestive system and its related disorders. The dis-eases related to the digestive tract are usually diagnosed and treated by gastroenterologists who investigate, treat and work towards the prevention of all gastrointestinal (intestines and stomach dis-eases) and hepatological (gallbladder, liver, and pancreas) dis-eases.  Some of the most commonly occurring gastrointestinal dis-eases include:

  • Short Bowel Syndrome
  • Gastrointestinal Bleeding
  • Gastrointestinal Cancer
  • Diverticulitis
  • Anaemia
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease,
  • Gastroenteritis
  • Ulcerative Colitis
  • Hepatitis
  • Jaundice
  • Liver Disorders

Gastroenterology at Holistic Healing Medical Centre

Often times Doctors aren’t able to detect the underlying cause for gastrointestinal diseases and the symptoms that are directly linked to it. Medication and surgery is prescribed and patients end up feeling worse than before, dependent on tablets, with little control over what is happening inside. This approach may eradicate symptoms and instant pain, however they are just fixing the surface and are completely neglecting the underlying cause.

Holistic Healing Medical Centre offers an extensive Holistic Health treatment plan that allows you to not only eradicate your existing symptoms, but also allow you to prevent them for longevity and a healthy wellbeing. Our Doctors work together in addressing the gastroenterological issues with a Holistic approach presenting healing treatments that rely heavily on natural remedies, homeopathy, Ayurveda, Chinese medicine, Acupuncture and a vast amount of other powerful healing methodologies, with the objective to restore the overall balance and natural rhythm of the body. Ultimately the body learns to heal itself.


At the Holistic Healing Medical Centre we can identify the root cause of gastrointestinal bleeding, diagnose Crohn's disease, Digestive cancer, Celiac Disease and Polyps. With our Holistic approach we are able to support you in relieving the various symptoms and in many cases curing them completely. Visit our Centre for an extensive screening, if you have any of the following symptoms:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Inflammation
  • Bloating
  • Heartburn
  • Changes in bowel habits
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Changes in weight
  • Chest pain
  • Rectal bleeding
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Indigestion
  • Nausea/vomiting

Video Capsule Endoscopy (VCE)

To determine the cause for recurrent or persistent symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, bleeding or anemia, our doctors may recommend a Video Capsule Endoscopy, especially if a gastroscopy and a colonoscopy have already been performed without revealing a specific diagnosis.

VCE can help to evaluate the extent to which your small intestine is involved or monitor the effect of a treatment given.

Video capsule endoscopy or VCE was first introduced in the year 2001 as a tool to visualize the gastrointestinal tract for a better diagnosis. VCE offers a radiation-free, non-invasive and well-tolerated way to visualize and inspect our gastrointestinal tract especially the small intestine. VCE consists of a wireless video capsule with one or multiple cameras connected to a light source, lens, batteries and a video chip through an electronic circuit in order to capture and transmit images.

VCE is useful in obtaining motility data such as gastric or small bowel passage time and aids in diagnosing dis-eases.

The primary benefits of VCE include:

  • Extensive visual examination of small intestine to find source of concern
  • The non-invasive nature of the method makes it painless and convenient
  • No need for anesthesia or other sedation
  • It does not require any special preparation except for 12-hour fasting

Our Centre aims to ensure that your health is restored and maintained through natural treatments that do not cause any post-treatment side effects that usually follow in a conventional treatment.

Holistic Healing programs are designed to help you maintain a Healthy Body and Mind that allow you to reach your full potential.


Our body is exposed to numerous impurities that lurk in the air and come into contact with our skin. These impurities can include various toxins that can potentially harm the body. Body cleansing and detoxification are crucial processes that allow your body to eliminate the toxins that usually become a hindrance in your balanced health. This article focuses on helping you understand the importance of regular body detox through natural treatments for proper health maintenance.

The importance of body cleansing for better health

Exposure to toxins on a daily basis can create toxin accumulation that can lead to free radicals. For those who are not aware, free radicals refer to dysfunctional molecules that feed on surrounding molecules to devour for their missing electrons. This process ultimately leads to degeneration that creates a damaging effect to your overall health. Detoxification helps with the elimination of free radicals.

Cleansing & Detox options

The accumulation of toxins happens all the time. You cannot necessarily stop the process of free radical creation as you are being exposed to various toxins throughout the day and while you may like to maintain the same lifestyle without introducing major changes to it, a regular detox is highly recommended to sustain your health.
Holistic Healing medical Centre offers a combination of treatments, and specially designed programs that ensure effective and fast results inremoval of toxins, heavy metals and parasites.
Some of the most commonly utilized methods of detoxification include Colon Hydrotherapy and Liver Detox. Colon hydrotherapy is a Holistic treatment that aims to eradicate health problems like intestinal parasites, bowel obstruction and myriad other health issues. Liver detox aims to restore the liver’s natural function of purifying the body and restoring health.
Liver is the hardest working organ in the human body with the responsibility to eliminate toxins for health maintenance.So, in simple words, liver detoxification is a natural process of cleansing the liver for optimum functionality.

Holistic Healing Treatments

Holistic Healing Medical Center in Dubai is geared towards helping you find the right solution for body cleansing and detoxification to garner a better health for productive bodily functions.
You can choose to go through the full Holistic Healing process to regenerate your health through the various specialties of the Holistic approach that also includes Homeopathy, Acupuncture, Diet & Lifestyle, Ayurveda & Chinese Medicine or you can simply go for cleansing & detox only, in both cases our Holistic Doctor meets with you to help you determine which type of cleansing treatment would best suit your body needs.
However, before you consult with your specialist, make sure that you list down the various symptoms that you are experiencing. This will help your doctor understand your condition better and advise a detox therapy works best for you.


Dealing with Morbid Obesity

Obesity issues are on the rise around the world with hundreds of people suffering from obesity related disorders. Research shows that the percentage of people with obesity is on a consistent escalation that highlights a warning for a decreased healthcare awareness. Healthcare researchers have highlighted numerous factors that may contribute to obesity that include, but are not limited to Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, Cushing's syndrome, antidepressants, genetic factors, stress and various medications; however, the most common cause of obesity is overeating.

Understanding Morbid Obesity

Morbid Obesity is the worst form of obesity, usually known as the class 2 obesity, where the body has more fat than it requires, and more that it can burn during daily activities. Your body requires food that acts as a fuel for the daily physical activities. When you overeat, our body consumes the food that it requires for the physical activities and stores the rest of the fuel as fat in the body. Over time, fat accumulation worsens leading to various health problems. Morbid Obesity refers to the stage of obesity where body has tremendous reserve of fat that hinders the normal body functions. At this stage, most patients find it hard to lose weight and require special treatment.

Diseases associated with morbid obesity

Morbid obesity is associated with multiple diseases and syndromes that can sometimes become life threatening. Below are some of the most common diseases that can be caused by morbid obesity.

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Heart disease
  • Blood lipid abnormalities
  • Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome
  • Stroke
  • Diabetes
  • Metabolic Syndrome
  • Sleep Apnea
  • Reproductive Problems
  • Gallstones
  • Cancer

These diseases can be easily prevented through holistic healing dubai treatments that aim to prevent morbid obesity without the use of conventional medicine.

What needs to be done?

You cannot let obesity take its toll on your health; you have to take action to reduce its impact on your overall health.

  • What to do
    • Make lifestyle changes: At the Holistic Healing Medical Centre, we help you understand your body, we identify the root cause of obesity and we introduce to you a lifestyle plan that best suits you and works for you for life.
      The solution is never in a diet, as results of many diets do not last long! A complete lifestyle change allows you to enjoy your food, digest it well and get the energy your body requires.
  • What not to do
    • Avoid surgical fat removal techniques: If morbid obesity gets out of hand, your specialist may recommend surgical fat removal treatments after considering its impact on your health. However, surgeries can cause tremendous health complications.
    • Avoid weight loss medication: Medications can also be used to decrease extra fat, but Holistic health specialists always advise against those medications as they can lead to future health issues.

Prevention is always better than cure. Talk to your Holistic Doctor today to prevent the painful complications of obesity.


Holistic Healing for a Productive Life

Our bodies are designed to mend themselves through a natural rejuvenation process that heals irregularities of the bodily functions by restoring the natural rhythm of the body. A productive life is only possible with a Holistic Healing. Unfortunately, in our society people do not understand the definition of holistic health and how it contributes towards a productive life.This article highlights its importance of its impact on your everyday life.

Understanding Holistic Healing

Holistic approach towards healing carefully addresses the body, mind, and spiritual health of a person. Holistic treatment integrates with alternative therapies to diagnose and treat dis-eases that usually require serious medical procedures.

The principles of HolisticHealing

  • Holistic specialists utilize a variety of effective diagnostic options that include lifestyle changes, complementary alternatives, and self-care.
  • Holistic Healing searches for the underlying issues that contribute towards the symptoms of certain dis-ease. The holistic medical practices focus on treating the root cause rather than just addressing the symptoms.
  • Holistic Doctors aim to understand a person's physiological health before diagnostic and treating the symptoms of certain dis-ease.
  • A Holistic Doctor takes a preventative approach towards treating diseases that offers cost-effective and lasting results.
  • The Holistic medical treatment does not see a dysfunction as an isolated event, but rather treats it as a dysfunction of the whole system.
  • Holistic medicine treatments are geared towards restoring the overall health, both mental and physical, in order to eliminate irregularities that cause certain symptoms of the dis-eases.

Preventative Health Management

In the past couple of decades, the focus of health management has been shifted towards preventative health management; people have realized that prevention is better than cure.

Dictionary defines preventative health management as a set of lifestyle guidelines and habits that potentially eradicate the possibilities of body irregularities. These preventative health management lifestyle habits significantly reduce the risks of myriad dis-eases that require serious medical attention. The Holistic Healing Medical Centre offers preventative health management that restores the natural rhythm of the human body to eliminate any possibilities of dis-ease. It starts with removing accumulated toxins in the body; Colon Hydrotherapy and Liver detox have proved to give fast and effective results. The body is also supported with the use of traditional therapies, like Acupuncture and Ayurveda; following, these treatments help in reducing your chances of diabetes, joint pain, heart disease and other physiological issues.

Productive Life through Holistic Healing

Most patients take the route of traditionaltreatmentonly after they have tried the conventional medicine. Preventative measures should start with the traditional and natural approach that our body is already geared to responding to. At the Holistic Healing Medical Centre, you will find a preventative health management approach that offers your natural solutions to help you avoid any stringent medical treatments.

As mentioned earlier, holistic healing is geared towards restoring a person's health through a holistic approach that takes into account physical, physiological, and psychological health.  Therefore, when you start to integrate holistic healing in your everyday life, you actually take a step towards a productive Life by eliminating the possibilities of various illnesses that sometimes become a hindrance in your daily life.

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