“We are 72% water. In fact, we are an aquarium for our cells, if water in the aquarium is clean and high in oxygen and pH 7, our cells like the fish will be healthy and survive happily.
In the case water is stagnant with acidic pH, carbon dioxide develops and no fish nor cells can survive, this develops disease and attracts viruses.
With Kangen device you can change the water in your aquarium, and your immunity cells will live healthy & happy “
– Dr. Ludmila
Part of adapting a Holistic Lifestyle is to maintain an alkaline pH level in our body to eliminate toxins and free radicals. Drinking alkaline water of pH levels 7.0 to 9.5 is now easy with Kangen Water.
It is not only the water we drink, but also the fruits and vegetables we eat. Besides cleaning and removing pesticide residue, killing bacteria from your fruits and vegetables by simply soaking them, then rinsing them in acidic water is of great value for you and your family’s health.
If you are rinsing your fruits and vegetables with tap water you are still drinking chlorine and other chemicals. Use acidic water to disinfect naturally without any chemicals.
Acidic water is a natural disinfectant; it kills bacteria with its strong acidic pH. Washing fruits and vegetables is something most people already do. Whether they are organic and pesticide free or not, no one can guarantee the microbial conditions on the surface of your food. Washing food with acidic water kills bacteria on the surfaces of the fruits and the vegetables you eat.
Acidic water is also used for topical sterilization and its antibacterial properties making it ideal for killing bacteria and viruses on all surfaces.
Looking for a natural skin care routine? Acidic water is a great constituent for keeping a youthful appearance and shedding dead skin cells. Besides exfoliating, you can be more assured your face is cleaner of acne causing bacteria.
Minimize consumption of toxins and live healthier by simply using the right water for you and your family.
Make Kangen water an integral part of your Holistic Lifestyle to prevent disease, disinfect your environment and protect yourself.
Not even Coronavirus can survive in an alkaline environment.