Your Health Equals Your Lifestyle

“Holistic Lifestyle is to support oneself to develop efficient activity of one’s body. Whatever our intention is, our mind immediately follows it. So it is necessary that we are alert about what we identify ourselves with. Focus on the health and not the disease.

A Holistic Lifestyle is key to enjoying one’s life.” – Dr Ludmila

Most often, we take the effort for clean eating and physical activity, only when we are at a breaking point – either because of an illness or for physical attractiveness. Even then, the methods we resort to are modern medicines and diets that are temporary solutions. Universally, we are conditioned to respond to illness. Where we are left with no choice but to pull the horses on an unhealthy lifestyle. One that is compiled of chaos, undisciplined eating habits, neglect towards respecting our own bodies and negative energy.

It took a pandemic for us to get out of the bubble we were living in to even start thinking about something as important as immunity for not just children, but adults as well. What we need to truly ask ourselves is – would vaccines eliminate the root causes to our health problems? Would it guarantee lifelong immunity? Would the end of the present pandemic promise that our health is restored?

Chances are, the answer is a No for all of the above questions.

The world which includes you and me, needs to take a close hard look at our health instead of the disease in itself.  A healthy lifestyle is necessary whether or not a pandemic is around. Physical activity is required for a healthy body beyond attaining a society approved physique. Developing strong immunity must be the purpose. This awareness about good health and immunity which all comes under the umbrella of Holistic Lifestyle, should be laid as a foundation right from school. Children should be educated on the importance of good health over wanting to look good to fit in with the rest.

What is Holistic?

The word Holism means Whole.” In fact all the relevant power words in the English vocabulary: Healing, Health, Hospital, Holy, Hospitality, have the same root of origin, ‘Holos’ meaning “All, The Whole, Entire, Complete.”

Holistic approaches the whole person instead of disintegrating. It is to do with body, mind and soul. Rising with the sun and taking time for yourself through meditation, a holistic cuisine that emphasizes loving oneself enough to cook food with love and eating consciously, and practicing yoga – it all contributes to enjoying life through good health. The change that this lifestyle offers is first felt inside. When it is our cells that go through a regeneration process, it gradually exudes positive energy. There is a direct connection between the brain and the gut. Our immune system is very much reliant on our gut, which many of us are unaware of. Modern medicine directs us to focus on fixing the diseases on the surface level. In such cases, the root cause is left unattended, leaving room for the problem to resurface. It is like a Band-Aid on the wound without truly healing. On the other hand, Holistic Healing approaches patients as a whole rather than separate. The focus is on restoring the health to enjoy life to its fullest.

How does one benefit from a Holistic Lifestyle?

  • Improved quality of life
  • Openness to existential energy
  • Ability to live in harmony
  • Choosing consciousness over chaos and compulsiveness

Holistic Lifestyle puts us in harmony with universal energy. We may think food is our source of energy but you may be surprised to learn it only contributes to 12% of our energy. Beyond the energy of food is existential energy – one that we absorb whether we choose to do or not do anything.

The magic of embracing a Holistic Lifestyle is that, when you witness the transformation in one person’s life, it influences the rest. The positive energy from this individual flows to another. We have had many such successful stories where one of our client’s weight loss and good health started influencing his own family members. Most Importantly, his children. It all started with making small changes. One such being Dr Ludmila’s suggestion of refraining from unnecessary pills and drinking a cup of warm water with a slice of lemon before each meal. It was as simple as that and the smallest of decisions the couple took which led to this beautiful journey – from a chaotic life to a Holistic lifestyle. Holistic, indeed, is contagious in a positive way.

Us as mankind, is in dire need for a change in lifestyle to ensure a healthier and happier world. Take charge of your own health to witness the magic inside you.

“I choose my food now. The food does not choose me.” – Holistic Patient