Hajj is the most important spiritual journey you can make as a Muslim. Focus on the journey by following these simple tips.


1. Optimise your digestion
Ease your digestion with home-cooked meals. Start the day with hearty soups before easing into healthier meals such as fish, eggs, grains, vegetables, beans and lentils.

Avoid taking late meals, fried food and foods with sugar. Opt for room temperature or warm drinks before food.

A glass of warm water with ginger and a slice of lemon before a meal also aids digestion.


2. Build endurance
Work on your stamina before your Hajj trip with the following exercise program:

3 weeks before Hajj
Engage in at least 30 minutes of outdoor walking during sunset or after dinner.

2 weeks before Hajj
Work your walks up to at least 1 hour.

1 week before Hajj
Walk at a brisk pace outdoors for at least 1.5 hours a day.


3. Detox lightly
Prepare your body by doing a light detox before Hajj.

We recommend 4 sessions of 3D treatment (visceral therapy, oil enema and foot reflexology) or 2 sessions of liver detox coupled with 5 sessions of vitamin infusions.

Have neem and turmeric balls, followed by warm water with lemon, ginger and honey every morning. Pair this up with a handful of gooseberries. This will help support your health, reduce inflammation and boost your immune system.


4. Prepare a Homeopathic Hajj Travel Kit
At Holistic Healing, we’ve specifically designed a homeopathic travel kit with the essential medication you can take with you for Hajj. Be prepared for headaches, fevers, infections and more with your own personal Hajj Holistic pharmacy.

During Hajj

1. Continue taking 1-2 neem and turmeric balls every morning. Wash it down with a glass of hot water, lemon and honey.


2. Enjoy a soothing and detoxifying Epsom salt footbath at night. This will help to reduce pain and inflammation, and prevent infections.


3. Avoid eating mass-prepared food while out. Instead, opt for fresh fruits like dates and bananas and pair them with fresh juices. Enjoy a warm cooked meal once you’re back at your accommodation.


4. Bring your water bottle. Ideally, a glass or a metal flask is better to avoid toxins, parasites and infections. Remember to keep yourself well hydrated!

Following Hajj

1. Rest
Once you’re back from Hajj, relax and rest at home for a least a full day. Avoid intense activities and trim down your busy schedule. Engage in relaxing activities and give your body time to recuperate.


2. Enjoy warm soups for meals
Warm broth soups, seasoned with light vegetables and light grains, are ideal for your adjusting body after Hajj. Try to keep to a soup diet for at least a day post-Hajj.


3. Detox
Restore balance and energy after your intense trip with a deep detox. Our specialists at Holistic Healing will be more than happy to assist you in scheduling a detox that is perfect for a post-Hajj trip.


Additional tip: In case you catch diarrhoea, take one teaspoon of pressed ginger juice with honey. If you are fasting, proper suhoor should be done.

Preventive care: If your immunity is generally low, wear a facemask throughout your trip. Bring your water bottles and mat.

Travel with your homeopathic Hajj travel kit and take medicine as soon as you feel sick. This will reduce the need for antibiotics or any intensive medication.

To get your own homeopathic Hajj travel kit, schedule a consultation with our specialist before your trip here.